AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Referencing Credentials using Profiles

There are a number of ways to provide AWS credentials to your .NET applications. One approach is to embed your credentials in the appSettings sections of your App.config file. While this is easy and convenient, your AWS credentials might end up getting checked into source control or published to places that you didn’t mean. A […]

IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 instances (Access Key Management for .NET Applications – Part 4)

In this post, we’ll see how to use Identity and Access Management(IAM) roles for Amazon EC2 instances. Using IAM roles for EC2 instances, you don’t need to manage or distribute credentials that your application needs. Instead, credentials are automatically distributed to EC2 instances and picked up by the AWS SDK for .NET. Here are the […]

Overriding Endpoints in the AWS SDK for .NET

Sometimes, when sending requests using the AWS SDK for .NET, you are required to explicitly specify an endpoint URL for a service. One such scenario is when you use an older version of the SDK to send requests to a particular service and that service is introduced in a new region. To access the service […]

Response Logging in AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

As described in an earlier post, the AWS SDK for .NET has support for logging service responses, error responses, and metrics for AWS API calls. For the SDK, this is enabled through the App.config or Web.config file. The AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell supports a shell variable, named $AWSHistory, that records what cmdlets have been […]

Amazon S3 Transfer Utility for Windows Store and Windows Phone

We recently made the Amazon S3 Transfer Utility API in AWS SDK for .NET available for the Windows Store and Windows Phone platforms. TransferUtility is an API that runs on top of the low-level Amazon S3 API and provides utility methods for uploading and downloading files and directories. It includes support for automatic switching to […]

Tagging Amazon EC2 Instances at Launch

In this guest post (by James Saull from the AWS Solutions Architects team), we will show how to launch EC2 instances, retrieve the new instances’ IDs, and apply tags to them. Tagging EC2 instances allows you to assign metadata to instances to facilitate management – especially at scale. Canonical examples include tagging instances to identify […]

Requesting feedback on the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio

The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio provides extensions for Microsoft Visual Studio that make it easier to develop, debug, and deploy .NET applications using Amazon Web Services. We’re constantly working to improve these extensions and provide developers what they need to develop and manage their applications. To better guide the future of the AWS Toolkit […]

Using Amazon SQS Dead Letter Queues

After Jason Fulghum recently posted a blog entry about using Amazon SQS dead letter queues with the AWS SDK for Java, I thought his post would be interesting for .NET developers as well. Here is Jason’s post with the code replaced with the C# equivalent. Amazon SQS recently introduced support for dead letter queues. This […]