AWS Developer Tools Blog

Getting Ready for AWS re:Invent 2013

AWS re:Invent is coming up again this November 12-15 in Las Vegas. Last year, Steve Roberts and I had a great time meeting with developers and discussing how they use AWS. We also gave a talk about deploying your apps from Visual Studio. To watch the screencast, see Deploying to the AWS Cloud with Visual […]

AWS re:Invent 2013

We’re all getting very excited about AWS re:Invent 2013. In just over a month, we’ll be down in Las Vegas talking to developers and customers from all over the world. There’s a huge amount of great technical content this year, and attendees will be taking home lots of knowledge on the latest and greatest features […]

AWS Regions and Windows PowerShell

The majority of the cmdlets in the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell require that you specify an AWS region. Specifying a region defines the service endpoint that is used for the request, in addition to scoping the resources you want to operate on. There are, however, a couple of exceptions to this rule: Some services […]

Using S3Link with Amazon DynamoDB

Today we’re excited to talk about the new S3Link class. S3Link allows you to easily link to an Amazon S3 resource in your Amazon DynamoDB data. You can use S3Link when storing Java objects in Amazon DynamoDB tables with the DynamoDBMapper class. To use the new S3Link class, just add a member of type S3Link […]

Introducing AWS SDK Core

We’ve been working hard on version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Loren blogged about some of our upcoming plans for version 2. I’m excited to pull back the curtains and show off the work we’ve done on version 2 of the Ruby SDK. AWS SDK Core The AWS SDK Core library will provide […]

See You at ZendCon 2013

Are you attending ZendCon this year? You are? Great! The AWS SDK for PHP team will be there too, and we hope to see you there. We will have a booth in the expo area, so make sure to come and see us. We will have goodies to hand out, and will be ready to […]

Release: AWS SDK for Java 1.6.0

We released version 1.6.0 of the AWS SDK for Java last Friday. This version has some exciting features! A new type of POJO attribute named S3Link for the DynamoDBMapper class. This new attribute allows you to easily work with binary data in Amazon S3 and store links to that data in Amazon DynamoDB. The Amazon […]

Handling Credentials with AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

The cmdlets provided in the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell provide three ways to express credential information. Some approaches are more secure than others. Let’s take a look. Using Credential Parameters All cmdlets in the toolset accept -AccessKey, -SecretKey and -SessionToken parameters (-SessionToken is used when the access key and security key are part of […]

Amazon S3 TransferManager – Batched File Uploads

In addition to all the cool features in TransferManager around asynchronous upload and download management, there are some other great features around batched uploads and downloads of multiple files. The uploadDirectory and uploadFileList methods in TransferManager make it easy to upload a complete directory, or a list of specific files to Amazon S3, as one […]

Using Non-.NET Languages for Windows Store Apps

In Version 2 of our AWS SDK for .NET, we added support for Windows Store apps by creating a .NET Windows Store app class library. This approach works great if you are writing your Windows Store app in a .NET language like C# or VB. It means most code written for the AWS SDK for […]