AWS Developer Tools Blog

Contributing to the AWS SDK for Ruby

We love getting contributions from the community to the AWS SDK for Ruby. Whether it be added features, fixed bugs, or just extra optimizations, submitting a pull request helps make the SDK better for all of our users. Since we started the project, the SDK has seen over 60 contributors providing everything from a one […]

Asynchronous Requests with the AWS SDK for Java

In addition to the standard, blocking/synchronous clients in the AWS SDK for Java that you’re probably already familiar with, the SDK also contains non-blocking/asynchronous clients that are just as easy to use, and often more convenient for certain types of applications. When you call an operation with one of the standard, synchronous clients in the […]

AWS SDK for Ruby Release v1.8.3

We just published version 1.8.3 of the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem).  This release adds support for AWS OpsWorks and resolves a number of customer reported issues.  require ‘aws-sdk’ opsworks = resp = opsworks.client.describe_stacks resp #=> { :stacks => [] } You can view the AWS::OpsWorks::Client API documentation here. Take it for a spin […]

Logging Requests

The AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem) has some pretty cool logging features. I find them particularly helpful when I need to debug something. I generally jump into an IRB session that has a logger pre-wired for me and then start sending requests. Configuring a Logger To get log messages from the aws-sdk gem, you […]

Managing Multiple AWS Accounts with the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse

When you’re building the next great application with AWS services, you’ll probably end up with several different AWS accounts. You may have one account for your production application’s resources, another for your development environment, and a couple more for personal testing. It can be really helpful to switch between these various accounts during your development, […]

Working with AWS CloudFormation in Eclipse

One of the latest features we’ve added to the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse is support for working with AWS CloudFormation. If you’re not familiar with AWS CloudFormation yet, it gives developers and systems administrators an easy way to create and manage a collection of related AWS resources, provisioning and updating them in an orderly and […]

Understanding Auto-Paginated Scan with DynamoDBMapper

The DynamoDBMapper framework is a simple way to get Java objects into Amazon DynamoDB and back out again. In a blog post a few months ago, we outlined a simple use case for saving an object to DynamoDB, loading it, and then deleting it. If you haven’t used the DynamoDBMapper framework before, you should take […]

Subscribing Queues to Topics

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a terrific service for publishing notification messages and having them automatically delivered to all your subscribers. You simply send a message to your SNS topic, and it gets delivered to all the subscribers for that topic. Amazon SNS supports many different types of subscribers for topics: HTTP/HTTPS endpoints […]