AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: Logging

Wire Logging in the AWS SDK for PHP

One of the features of the AWS SDK for PHP that I often recommend to customers is the LogPlugin, that can be used to do wire logging. It is one of the many plugins included with Guzzle, which is the underlying HTTP library used by the SDK. Guzzle’s LogPlugin includes a default configuration that will […]

Logging HTTP Wire Traces

In a previous previous blog post, I wrote about how to log requests generated by the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem). While this can be a valuable tool in seeing how your code translates into requests to AWS, it doesn’t do everything. What if you think the SDK is serializing your request incorrectly? Sometimes […]

Logging Requests

The AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem) has some pretty cool logging features. I find them particularly helpful when I need to debug something. I generally jump into an IRB session that has a logger pre-wired for me and then start sending requests. Configuring a Logger To get log messages from the aws-sdk gem, you […]