The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Tag: oil and gas iot

Unlocking Business Value through Digital Twins: The AWS and Bosch Collaboration

Introduction McKinsey research shows that a remarkable 70% of top tech executives are investing in digital twins, highlighting the growing momentum for this technology. Their goal is to achieve more agile and resilient operations, as digital twins offer a wide range of applications, from remote control and monitoring to complex system simulations, enabling a new […]

Architecture diagram

Detect water leaks in near real time using AWS IoT

Introduction Water is one of the most precious resources needed for the sustenance of life. However, only 2% of the global water supply is suitable for human consumption. The United States Environmental Protection Association (EPA) estimates that 1.7 trillion gallons, roughly 30 percent of all treated water, is wasted every year in the United States. […]

AWS IoT Analytics Oil and Gas Customer Use Case

Our oil and gas customer wanted to deploy AWS IoT Analytics to help them:  Better understand their assets in the field (for example, pumps, generators, valve assemblies, and so on).  Derive actionable insights from their data.  Build a predictive maintenance solution to help reduce their costs. By using IoT Analytics, our customer can: Pre-process the […]