AWS for M&E Blog
Support for AWS Elemental MediaStore ending soon
When Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched AWS Elemental MediaStore during AWS re:Invent 2017, it served an important role in augmenting Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to provide robust live video origination. Over the last six years, Amazon S3 has made functional and performance improvements that make it more suitable as a live video streaming origin, such as implementing strong read-after-write consistency in 2020 and improving tail latency performance.
Amazon S3 is now a lower cost option for live video origination workflows when compared to MediaStore. In addition, AWS Elemental MediaPackage provides sophisticated packaging features such as DRM, HLS/DASH/CMAF re-packaging, cross-region redundancy, and more.
After careful consideration, AWS has made the decision to discontinue MediaStore, effective November 13, 2025. If you are an active customer of MediaStore, you can use MediaStore as normal until November 13, 2025, when support for the service will end. After this date, you will no longer be able to use MediaStore or any of the capabilities provided by this service.
If you have a simple live video streaming workflow, you can migrate to Amazon S3. For advanced workflows that require cross-region failover or specific low-latency requirements, you will need to migrate to AWS Elemental MediaPackage. To help determine if Amazon S3 or MediaPackage is a better fit for your workflow, please read: Choosing the ideal origin for live media & entertainment workflows.
If you use MediaStore as a live origin, this does not require persistent data. Data is either explicitly deleted by the encoder after a set number of seconds or deleted asynchronously through a Lifecycle Policy. However, if you store persistent data on the service, you can use the List and Get APIs to copy data from MediaStore to the storage option of your choice, such as Amazon S3.
If you are unable to take action to retrieve your data before November 13, 2025 or if you have additional questions, please reach out to AWS support using your AWS account.