AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Domain and Email Address Verification in Amazon SES

07/03/17 Update: You can now verify as many as 10,000 identities per AWS account. See this forum announcement for details. As you may have read in Jeff Barr’s blog post on the main AWS Blog, Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) launched domain verification today. We wanted to dig deeper into the whys and whats […]

So You’ve Hit a Spamtrap?

Have you been told you’re sending to spamtraps? Or do you just want to cover your bases after hearing about them? Either way, please read on! A bit of history Spamtraps were designed by ISPs and email watchdogs as a way to determine when someone is sending to email addresses that have not opted into […]

Welcome to the Amazon Simple Email Service Blog!

Welcome to our blog; we’re glad to see you! Here on the Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) blog, we’ll be chatting about all sorts of things: Email sending best practices Amazon SES product announcements How to use Amazon SES – including code samples Tips and tricks for all things email …and anything else you’d […]