AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: ERP

Evaluating long-term value in migrating ERP and SIS applications to AWS

Evaluating long-term value in migrating ERP and SIS applications to AWS

Organizations can realize significant benefits when migrating their enterprise resource planning (ERP) and student information systems (SIS) to AWS, including reduced costs, fewer security incidents, and improved agility. Education institutions, though, face slightly different decision-making contexts when evaluating which cloud provider to use to host these applications. In this blog post, explore several considerations associated with your decision and the total value that you can realize over a medium and long-term horizon when you migrate ERP and SIS applications to AWS.

How Bucknell IT got 40 percent of their time back by moving ERP to the cloud

“Action cannot be completed because the system is out of date.” Every technology user understands the frustration of getting this message. When Bucknell University turned to the cloud to modernize their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, they found unexpected gifts along the way: more cost savings, better solutions, and best of all, new “found” time to devote to high impact projects.

city hall local government

Balanced budgets and enhanced constituent services: ERP beyond infrastructure in state and local governments

State and local governments (SLGs) are constantly looking for ways to improve the lives and well-being of their constituents. They strive for increased efficiencies in delivering existing government services or potential new services such as those related to assistance with food, health, education, affordable housing, weatherization, and more. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, along with ancillary business systems that support performance-based budgeting, play a key role in providing data insights. The balancing act between tight budgets and enablement of government services is enabled by fiscal health, sound policies, and data insights. ERP systems deployed on the cloud can help with the capabilities and technology tools that governments need to derive efficiencies with existing services and deploy new services.


Digital transformation in higher education: Three benefits of ERP migration to the cloud

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems handle everything from accounting to marketing, finances to inventory, human resources to customer relations, and more. Colleges and universities commit significant infrastructure and personnel resources to run and manage these vital applications. But shifts in technology adoption, reduced availability of skilled labor, and increased economic pressures push colleges and universities to assess the return on their material ERP system investments. One way higher education institutions realize additional return on their scarce resources is by using cloud technologies. After Arizona State University (ASU) moved to AWS, the university was able to effectively allocate resources to benefit its students and solve operational problems that would otherwise require additional investment. Check out three benefits higher education institutions can recognize by moving ERP systems to the cloud.

Navy ship at sea; photo by Michael Afonso on unsplash

Readying the warfighter: U.S. Navy ERP migrates to AWS

The U.S. Navy and SAP National Security Services (SAP NS2) migrated their largest SAP enterprise resource planning (ERP) system – 72,000 users spread across six U.S. Navy commands – to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. The milestone — which came 10 months ahead of schedule — will put the movement and documentation of some $70 billion worth of parts and goods into one accessible space, so the information can be shared, analyzed, and protected more uniformly.