AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Guest Post

What is an Engineering Manager?

I have held many titles in the tech industry: Engineer, Lead Engineer, Head of Engineering, VP of Engineering, and CTO. You would think that each of these titles would be self-explanatory, but as I’ve transitioned from one company to another, I’ve been surprised by how differently these roles are interpreted by different organizations.

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Could This New Speech-to-Text Tech Break the Internet?

You might remember when Kim Kardashian’s 2014 Paper magazine cover boldly stated it would “Break the Internet.” All due apologies to Ms. Kardashian, but the Internet didn’t actually break as a result of her racy cover—it went on functioning normally. The truth is the Internet can’t be broken. It doesn’t work like that. Bad actors can try to cause regional disruptions, but aside from a cataclysmic event like the meteor that finished off the dinosaurs, the Internet will keep plugging along.

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Engineering the Future of 5G

If you talk to the Big Network providers—the AT&Ts, Verizons, and Vodaphones of the world—you might think that 5G was already here, or at the very least, right around the corner. On the other hand, if you talk to your average mobile RF Front-End (RFFE) engineer, he or she might tell you that 5G is a few years away. Why the discrepancy?

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Using the Cloud to Secure the Cloud: Moving From a Network-Centric to a Cloud-First Approach

Most security solutions used by enterprises today emphasize a traditional network approach. Today’s modern organizations prize agility and transformation as underlying principles of their IT infrastructures. These enterprises that use the cloud to drive an innovative, agile business and technology agenda must adopt a security strategy that uses cloud principles to address cloud issues.

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