AWS Cloud Financial Management

ICYMI: Forecasting, estimating, tracking, and optimizing cloud spend

This month, we’ve curated AWS resources to help you better implement cost planning, get quicker estimates for your EC2 instances, deploy a unit metrics dashboard, and learn from both our research and customers about the benefits of establishing and maturing your CFM programs.

Top 5 ICYMI resources

[The Keys to AWS Optimization]

1. Hear expert insights on cloud cost forecasting

In this session of the Keys to AWS Optimization Twitch show, hear our AWS experts discuss forecasting on the cloud. They’ll share insights on the importance of forecasting, what tools you can use, what to expect, and some tips and tricks for cost planning that support your business goals and cloud cost optimizations.

🖥️Watch and learn about forecasting on the cloud

[AWS Cloud Financial Management Blog]

2. Get cost estimates faster with AWS Pricing Calculator bulk import

AWS Pricing Calculator now supports the ability to bulk import Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, dedicated hosts, and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes using a structured Excel template. The new feature will allow you to estimate a fleet of EC2- or EBS-based resources at a fraction of the time, and allows for quick iterations.

🏁Get started with AWS Pricing Calculator bulk import for EC2

[AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog]

3. Choose, create, and track your unit metrics for your applications

For some customers, a monthly increase in their AWS bill is a normal part of growth, but for many, is an unwanted outcome. Therefore, it is important to utilize the right metrics to assess the economics of your infrastructure. Using unit metrics gives you useful insights into the efficiency of your operations, architecture, and business. Walk through step-by-step guidance using an example enterprise application, to learn how to select, calculate, and deploy a dashboard for unit metrics on AWS.

💡 Deploy a unit metrics dashboard on AWS

[AWS Cloud Economics]

4. 451 Research – Cloud Financial Management benefits go beyond cost savings

Read how businesses implementing cloud financial management practices experience greater cloud adoption, higher revenue, and improved profitability.

🚀Explore the study

[AWS Peer Connect]

5. Cost optimization customer panel discussion

In this CFM Peer Connect session, hear how multiple customers took advantage of cost optimization advice and the lessons learned as they matured their cloud financial management programs.

✔️Hear this cost optimization conversation with customers

Gena Chung

Gena Chung

Gena is a Digital Campaigns Manager for AWS Billing and Cost Management services. She focuses on helping customers understand and adopt cloud financial management solutions to harness the value of the AWS cloud, and transform their business through cost transparency, control, forecasting, and optimization.