AWS Cloud Financial Management

Tag: Cloud Intelligence Dashboards Well-Architected labs

Telenor simplifies data access and control with Row Level Security

In some cases, users can be hindered with access to all available cost data for an organization. With Row Level Security (RLS), you can restrict the data a user can see to a subset of the business most relevant to them. In this blog, we’re going to walk you through how Telenor implemented RLS on its Multi-Payer Cost Dashboards, and how you can, too.

A Detailed Overview of the Cost Intelligence Dashboard

Voiced by Amazon Polly As your business grows on AWS, so too does the need for cost and usage visibility and custom cost reporting tailored for your organization. Good Cloud Financial Management (CFM) targets for your AWS usage can include (but are not limited to) Reserved Instance and Savings Plans coverage, average hourly cost of […]