AWS News Blog

Amazon Web Serices in Winnipeg

Voiced by Polly

Amazon Web Services has a number of evangelists, as previously noted, so I’d like to introduce myself (Mike Culver).

Last night I had the opportunity to deliver the first in the series of presentations that Jeff recently announced. We had a near-record turnout of the Winnipeg .NET Users Group, with approximately 60 developers in attendance. Special thanks to Kent Sharkey for making initial introductions!

Winnipeg is home to an interesting mix of developers, running the gamut from consultants to IT Pros to ISVs. We discussed all of the Amazon Web Services, and then looked at how to create a simple WinForms app in C# that uses Amazon Simple Storage Service to access the object store as if it were a local resource. You can download the sample for yourself from the Amazon S3 Resource Center. The interesting thing in my opinion is that most of the development effort for this sample went into the Windows code; the actual Amazon S3 calls were simple, thanks to a helper class in the code sample. Maybe not as easy as falling off a log, but certainly close.

As Jeff pointed out in his initial post, we’d love to come talk to your user group–whether .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, or some other group. (In the end, most developers share a common language, known as Pizza.) Just email us at

— Mike

Modified 10/23/2020 – In an effort to ensure a great experience, expired links in this post have been updated or removed from the original post.
Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.