AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS Price Reduction

It is always fun to write about price reductions. I enjoy knowing that our customers will find AWS to be an even better value over time as we work on their behalf to lower our own costs and pass the savings along. Effective October 1, 2010 we are reducing the On-Demand and Reserved pricing for […]

Amazon RDS: Announcing Read Replicas

It is possible to characterize the workload handled by a relational database in terms of the ratio of reads to writes. Some applications seem to use about the same number of reads and writes. Others write a little bit of data and read a lot. This read-heavy behavior is frequently seen in web applications. Different […]

By Popular Demand: Amazon RDS Reserved DB Instances

I can’t even leave my neighborhood without getting feature requests! My neighbor Rick was walking his dog past my house and stopped to ask me when we were going to support Reserved Instances for Amazon RDS. Such is life in the Pacific Northwest part of the US. Hey Rick, we’ve got your RDS Reserved Instances […]