AWS News Blog

Tag: Week in Review

AWS Week in Review – April 22, 2013

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, April 22 We announced that Amazon Redshift and the High Storage Eight instance type are now available in the EU West (Ireland) Region. The AWS Mobile Blog published a post that will show you How to Switch From Single to Multiple Frameworks […]

AWS Week in Review – April 15, 2013

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Wednesday, April 17 We announced IAM Roles for AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The AWS Ruby Blog discussed Locking Dependency Versions with Bundler. Thursday, April 18 We announced that Amazon S3 now stores 2 trillion objects and handles 1.1 million requests per second. We announced […]

AWS Week in Review – April 8, 2013

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, April 8 We announced that AWS Elastic Beanstalk for .NET now Supports VPC, RDS, and Configuration Files. AWS Marketplace and Citrix started a promotion for NetScaler VPX Platinum Edition. You can get a $175 EC2 credit if you start a subscription between […]

AWS Week in Review – April 1, 2013

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, April 1 To celebrate April Fool’s Day, we released PC2 – the Punched Card Cloud. Tuesday, April 2 We announced that Amazon Redshift and the the EC2 High Storage Instances are now available in the US West (Oregon) Region. The AWS Ruby […]

AWS Week in Review – March 25, 2013

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, March 25 The EC2 IP address ranges were updated (this happened earlier in the month but I missed it). There are now 3.7 million IP addresses listed. Tuesday, March 26 We announced AWS CloudHSM for Secure Key Storage and Cryptographic Operations. I […]

AWS Week in Review – March 18, 2013

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, March 18 We announced that the Amazon Simple Workflow Service is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region. Tuesday, March 19 We added additional EBS-Optimized Instance Types for EC2. Wednesday, March 20 We published a new page to help you to […]

AWS Week in Review – March 11, 2013

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, March 11 We announced AWS Elastic Beanstalk for Node.js. We announced an important EC2 update – Virtual Private Clouds for Everyone. Tuesday, March 12 We announced the AWS Management Console for the iPhone. We announced the new EC2 Cross-Region AMI Copy Feature. […]

AWS Week in Review – March 4, 2013

Let’s take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week: Monday, March 4 We announced that you can get a $120 AWS credit by using SAP HANA One. Amazon RDS now provides easier access to database log files. Tuesday, March 5 We announced a special AWS hiring event in Berlin. We announced a […]