AWS Compute Blog

Category: Application Services

Route 53 Health Check

Building a Multi-region Serverless Application with Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

This post written by: Magnus Bjorkman – Solutions Architect Many customers are looking to run their services at global scale, deploying their backend to multiple regions. In this post, we describe how to deploy a Serverless API into multiple regions and how to leverage Amazon Route 53 to route the traffic between regions. We use latency-based […]

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Using Enhanced Request Authorizers in Amazon API Gateway

Recently, AWS introduced a new type of authorizer in Amazon API Gateway, enhanced request authorizers. Previously, custom authorizers received only the bearer token included in the request and the ARN of the API Gateway method being called. Enhanced request authorizers receive all of the headers, query string, and path parameters as well as the request […]

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Automating Amazon EBS Snapshot Management with AWS Step Functions and Amazon CloudWatch Events

Brittany Doncaster, Solutions Architect Business continuity is important for building mission-critical workloads on AWS. As an AWS customer, you might define recovery point objectives (RPO) and recovery time objectives (RTO) for different tier applications in your business. After the RPO and RTO requirements are defined, it is up to your architects to determine how to […]

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Automate Your IT Operations Using AWS Step Functions and Amazon CloudWatch Events

Rob Percival, Associate Solutions Architect Are you interested in reducing the operational overhead of your AWS Cloud infrastructure? One way to achieve this is to automate the response to operational events for resources in your AWS account. Amazon CloudWatch Events provides a near real-time stream of system events that describe the changes and notifications for […]

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How to Provision Complex, On-Demand Infrastructures by Using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

How to Provision Complex, On-Demand Infrastructures by Using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

Many AWS customers are using the power of AWS CloudFormation to customize complex infrastructures. At the same time, they are moving towards self-service for their expanding customer bases. How can complex infrastructure be provisioned on-demand while minimizing customer use of the AWS Management Console? Let’s say AnyCompany uses AWS services to process sensitive datasets owned […]

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Building High-Throughput Genomics Batch Workflows on AWS: Workflow Layer (Part 4 of 4)

This post is courtesy of Aaron Friedman – Healthcare and Life Sciences Partner Solutions Architect at AWS and Angel Pizarro – Scientific Computing Technical Business Development Manager at AWS This post is the fourth in a series on how to build a genomics workflow on AWS. In Part 1, we introduced a general architecture, shown below, and […]

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Building High-Throughput Genomics Batch Workflows on AWS: Job Layer (Part 2 of 4)

This post is courtesy of Aaron Friedman – Healthcare and Life Sciences Partner Solutions Architect at AWS and Angel Pizarro – Scientific Computing Technical Business Development Manager at AWS This post is the second in a series on how to build a genomics workflow on AWS. In Part 1, we introduced a general architecture, shown below, and […]

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Automating AWS Lambda Function Error Handling with AWS Step Functions

Aaron Rehaag, Senior Software Engineer, Amazon Web Services AWS Step Functions makes it easy to coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. You can scale and modify your applications quickly by building applications from individual components, each of which performs a discrete function. You can use Step Functions to create state […]

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Implementing Serverless Manual Approval Steps in AWS Step Functions and Amazon API Gateway

Ali Baghani, Software Development Engineer A common use case for AWS Step Functions is a task that requires human intervention (for example, an approval process). Step Functions makes it easy to coordinate the components of distributed applications as a series of steps in a visual workflow called a state machine. You can quickly build and […]

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