AWS Contact Center

Category: Open Distro for Elasticsearch

Easily monitor call quality with Amazon Connect

When managing your contact center, call quality has a significant impact on the customer experience. If your agents take calls on Amazon Connect using the softphone over the internet, the audio quality is typically high. However, changes in networking conditions can result in varying audio quality from factors such as increased latency or packet loss.

By capturing and storing real-time call metrics, you can proactively monitor call quality. In this blog, we describe a solution which captures real-time metrics from the Amazon Connect softphone, creates easily understandable dashboards from the metrics, and makes this data searchable for further analysis.

The dashboards give your contact center supervisors and operators insights into the customer experience from both a business and operational lens. They can help you answer questions like how many calls are abnormally short, how many calls experience poor audio quality, and other common operational questions. This allows your business to take actions to improve the customer experience.