
Category: Announcements

Amazon EKS adds native support for Bottlerocket in Managed Node Groups

Today, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS) announces native support for Bottlerocket in managed node groups. Bottlerocket is a Linux-based open-source operating system that is purpose-built by Amazon. It focuses on security and maintainability, and provides a reliable, consistent, and safe platform for container-based workloads. Amazon EKS managed node groups with Bottlerocket support enables you […]

Welcome IIS webpage

Running Windows Containers with Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate

At AWS, customers are running their most mission-critical workloads on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with Windows as their compute layer. Still, the undifferentiated heavy lifting of managing the underlying host OS, patching, scaling, and hardening when running Windows containers are time-consuming tasks. Therefore, customers can choose to use the optimized AMIs, which are preconfigured […]

Amazon ECS Anywhere Overview

Running GPU-based container applications with Amazon ECS Anywhere

Tens of thousands of customers have already migrated their on-premises workloads to the cloud for the past decade, however we’ve also seen a number of workloads that are not simply able to move to the cloud. Rather, those workloads are needed to remain on-premise due to data residency, network latency, regulatory, or compliance considerations. Back […]

Container Insights for Amazon EKS Support AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector

CloudWatch Container Insights collects, aggregates, and summarizes metrics from your containerized applications and microservices. Metrics are collected as log events using embedded metric format, which enables high-cardinality data to be ingested and stored in designated CW log groups at scale. Amazon CloudWatch then uses those embedded metrics to create the aggregated CloudWatch metrics from the […]

Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate now enables customers to configure ephemeral storage up to 200GiB

  Today, we are announcing support in AWS Fargate to configure ephemeral storage up to 200 GiB in size. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with AWS Fargate to benefit from the serverless compute model for a wide variety of container-based applications at scale. As container adoption has grown, […]

Managing compute for Amazon ECS clusters with capacity providers.

Customers running containers are often challenged with having to manage and understand how to run and scale the compute for their clusters. For customers taking advantage of Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) on AWS Fargate, the burden is lifted as the underlying compute layer is fully managed by AWS, enabling the customer to focus […]

Amazon ECR’s credential helper now supports Amazon ECR Public

amazon-ecr-credential-helper is a credential helper for the Docker daemon that makes it easier to use Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). Once configured, ECR credential helper automatically uses the same credentials as the AWS CLI and the AWS SDKs to first retrieve an ECR authentication token for secure access to repositories, then lets the Docker daemon […]

New look for Amazon ECS in the AWS Management Console

Recently we launched a new look and experience for Amazon ECS in the AWS Management Console. Since its launch in 2014, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) has served as a simple way for customers to run production grade container workloads on AWS. Customers such as Disney+, Vanguard, Okta, Fidelity, and UbiSoft trust Amazon ECS […]

Latest updates to AWS Fargate for Amazon ECS

Recently, we announced features to improve the configuration and metric gathering experience of your tasks deployed via AWS Fargate for Amazon ECS. Based off of customer feedback, we added the following features: Environment file support Deeper integration with AWS Secrets Manager using secret versions and JSON keys More granular network metrics, as well as additional […]

AWS Step Functions state machine

Introducing AWS Step Functions integration with Amazon EKS

This is my first post on AWS Container Blog since I joined AWS and I could not be more excited to talk about two technologies now working together: Serverless and Kubernetes, or more specifically AWS Step Functions and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. In my previous role, I envisioned to build a web application that would […]