
Getting started with Consul service mesh on Amazon ECS

We recently announced the general availability of Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) service extension for Consul service mesh in AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). This is a new integration that makes it easier for customers to use Consul as a service mesh on Amazon ECS. In this blog post, we show you how […]

Progressive Delivery using AWS App Mesh and Flagger

In this blog, we will cover how to implement progressive delivery using AWS App Mesh and Flagger. Progressive delivery helps customers release features quickly, decrease deployment risk, and increase deployment safety. Customers already using CI/CD pipelines and following Agile and DevOps practices will greatly benefit by implementing progressive delivery. Customers currently use various tools like Jenkins, […]

Chaos Engineering with LitmusChaos on Amazon EKS

Introduction Organizations are embracing microservices-based architectures by refactoring large monolith applications into smaller, independent, and loosely coupled services. These independent services are faster to deploy and scale, enabling organizations to innovate and deliver faster. However, as the application grows, these microservices present their own challenges. For example, as you deploy tens or hundreds or thousands […]

Advice on mitigating the Apache log4j security issue for EKS, ECS, and Fargate customers

Note – AWS Fargate no longer supports the opt-in log4j Java hot patch capability for previously opted-in or new customers of Fargate as of 10-27-2023. Please ensure all containerised workloads leveraging the log4j package have been patched before scheduling them on to AWS Fargate. CVE-2021-44228 (and subsequently CVE-2021-45046) describe a security issue found in the […]

Container scanning updates in Amazon ECR private registries using Amazon Inspector

We announced a new Amazon Inspector last week at re:Invent 2021 with improved vulnerability management for cloud workloads. Amazon Inspector is a service used by organizations of all sizes to automate security assessment and management at scale. For Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) private registry customers, this announcement brings updates, enhancements, and integrations to […]

ADOT Collector Pipeline

Cost savings by customizing metrics sent by Container Insights in Amazon EKS

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) is an AWS-provided distribution of the OpenTelemetry project. The ADOT Collector receives and exports data from multiple sources and destinations. Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights now supports ADOT for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). This will enable customers to perform advanced configurations, such as customizing metrics […]

Spark Jobs dashboard

Best practices for running Spark on Amazon EKS

Amazon EKS is becoming a popular choice among AWS customers for scheduling Spark applications on Kubernetes. It’s fully managed but still offers full Kubernetes capabilities for consolidating different workloads and getting a flexible scheduling API to optimize resources consumption. But Kubernetes is complex, and not all data engineers are familiar with how to set up […]

Autonomous ML-based detection and identification of root cause for incidents in microservices running on EKS

This blog was co-written with Gavin Cohen, VP of Product at Zebrium. Overview If you’ve never experienced the frustration of hunting for root cause through huge volumes of logs, then you’re one of the few lucky ones! The process typically starts by searching for errors around the time of the problem and then scanning for […]

Implementing custom domain names with ROSA

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) is a fully managed implementation of Red Hat OpenShift. The Red Hat SRE team does all the heavy lifting of maintaining and operating an OpenShift cluster on behalf of customers, allowing them to refocus their resources where it is most beneficial to their business and customers. ROSA provides […]

Collecting data from edge devices using Kubernetes and AWS IoT Greengrass V2

Kubernetes is open-source software that allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications at scale. It manages clusters of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) compute instances and runs containers on those instances with processes for deployment, maintenance, and scaling. Using Kubernetes, you can run any type of containerized application using the same toolset on […]