
Tag: CNI

Automating custom networking to solve IPv4 exhaustion in Amazon EKS

Introduction When Amazon VPC Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin assigns IPv4 addresses to Pods, it allocates them from the VPC CIDR range assigned to the cluster. While it makes Pods first-class citizens within the VPC network, it often leads to exhaustion of the limited number of IPv4 addresses available in the VPCs. The long term […]

Turbocharging EKS networking with Bottlerocket, Calico, and eBPF

This post is co-authored by Alex Pollitt, Co-founder and CTO at Tigera, Inc. Recently Amazon announced support for Bottlerocket on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Bottlerocket is an open source Linux distribution built by Amazon to run containers focused on security, operations, and manageability at scale. You can learn more about Bottlerocket in this […]