
Tag: Kubernetes security

HardenEKS: Validating Best Practices For Amazon EKS Clusters Programmatically

Introduction HardenEKS is an open source Python-based Command Line Interface (CLI). We created HardenEKS to make it easier to programmatically validate if an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)  cluster follows best practices defined in AWS’ EKS Best Practices Guide (EBPG). The EBPG is an essential resource for Amazon EKS operators who seek easier Day […]

Read the blog post about Harden Amazon EKS in minutes with Styra DAS Free and OPA

Harden Amazon EKS in minutes with Styra DAS Free and OPA

In the Amazon EKS Best Practices Guide, AWS recommends Open Policy Agent (OPA) as a policy-as-code (PaC) solution for Kubernetes pod security. The long list of pros provided for PaC focuses mainly on the flexibility and comprehensive control that PaC provides when compared with built-in pod security admission. While PaC brings powerful flexibility, it can […]