AWS Database Blog

Category: Open Source

Implement UUIDv7 in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL using Trusted Language Extensions

UUID Version 7 (UUIDv7) was introduced to improve the randomness of UUIDv4. UUIDv7 encodes a Unix timestamp with millisecond precision in the first 48 bits of the UUID, meaning that UUIDv7 is time-based and sequential. Trusted Language Extensions (pg_tle) for PostgreSQL is a new open source development kit to help you build high performance extensions that run safely on PostgreSQL. In this post, we demonstrate how to create and install a Trusted Language Extension (TLE) using PL/Rust as the trusted language to generate a UUIDv7. We also take a deeper look into the underlying implementation of the extension.

Run Ethereum nodes on AWS

Amazon Managed Blockchain and many partners of AWS offer a convenient way to use Ethereum nodes without operating your own infrastructure. But sometimes, when you want to run archive nodes or participate in Ethereum staking, the managed nodes aren’t enough, and you may choose to run your own Ethereum nodes on AWS. To run a […]

A PartiQL deep dive: Understand the language and bring SQL queries to AWS non-relational database services

It’s data, data everywhere! To turn data into information, and information into insight, we need to understand our data to its full extent and make use of the statistics derived from it. Applying the obtained results successfully while making business decisions remains a challenge for most organizations, even today. This is partly due to the […]

Loading data into Amazon Keyspaces with cqlsh

The Cassandra Query Language Shell (cqlsh) is an open-source command line shell that you can use to run CQL commands and perform database administrative tasks, such as creating and modifying tables. You can use cqlsh to get started with Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)—a scalable, highly available, managed Cassandra-compatible database—by loading data from a CSV […]