Desktop and Application Streaming

Windows 10 System Registry Backup

We’ve had some customers reach out this week regarding Microsoft disabling automatic backups to the RegBack folder starting in Windows 10 version 1803. WorkSpaces with Windows 10 powered by Windows Server 2016 are not impacted– no action is needed. The system registry backup is working as expected. And, your WorkSpaces automatically back up data on the user volume every 12 hours.

While WorkSpaces with Windows 10 powered by Windows Server 2016 are not impacted by the issue, WorkSpaces with a Windows 10 client OS imported through our BYOL program may be affected. We know system registry backups are an important part of many customers backup solutions– you can manually reenable system registry backups by configuring the following entry, and then restart the WorkSpace.

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Configuration Manager\EnablePeriodicBackup
Value: 1