AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Xamarin Support Out of Preview

Last month, with the release of version 3 of the AWS SDK for .NET, Xamarin and Portable Class Library (PCL) support was announced as an in-preview feature. We’ve worked hard to stabilize this feature and with today’s release, we are labeling Xamarin and PCL support production-ready. This applies to Windows Phone and Windows Store support, […]

S3 Transfer Utility Upgrade

Version 3 of the AWS SDK for .NET includes an update to the S3 transfer utility. Before this update, if an S3 download of a large file failed, the entire download would be retried. Now the retry logic has been updated so that any retry attempts will use bits that have already been laid down. […]

DynamoDB Table Cache

Version 3 of the AWS SDK for .NET includes a new feature, the SDK Cache. This is an in-memory cache used by the SDK to store information like DynamoDB table descriptions. Before version 3, the SDK retrieved table information when you constructed a Table or DynamoDBContext object. For example, the following code creates a table […]

Version 3 of the AWS SDK for .NET Out of Preview

Back in February, we announced our intention to release a new major version of the AWS SDK for .NET. In April, we released a preview on NuGet. After receiving great feedback from users, today we are taking version 3 of the AWS SDK for .NET out of preview. This means the preview flag has been […]

Using the New Import Cmdlets for Amazon EC2

Using the New Import Cmdlets for Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 recently released an updated set of APIs for importing virtual machine images and disks. These new APIs, ImportImage and ImportSnapshot, are faster and more flexible than the original import APIs and are now available in the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell (from version through […]


The .NET SDK team is aware that some customers are having issues using the Amazon.Util.ProfileManager.RegisterProfile method, so this blog will attempt to explain what this method does, when it should be used, and more importantly, why it should never be called inside your development application. We discussed RegisterProfile in an earlier blog post about storing […]

AWS SDK for .NET Office Hour

The AWS SDKs and Tools team invites you to the first-ever online office hour hosted by the maintainers of the AWS SDK for .NET, AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, and AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell. It will be held via Google Hangouts at 9:30-10:30am PDT (UTC -7:00) on Thursday 6/18. If you don’t have one […]

SDK Extensions Moved to Modularization

We are currently finalizing the move of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell and the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio to the new modularized SDK. In addition, we have released new versions of the ASP.NET session provider and the .NET System.Diagnostics trace listener. These two extensions have moved from the SDK GitHub repository into their […]

Serving Private Content Through Amazon CloudFront Using Signed Cookies

Private content can be served through Amazon CloudFront in two ways: through signed URLs or signed cookies. For information about which approach to choose, see Choosing Between Signed URLs and Signed Cookies. The AWS SDK for .NET includes an Amazon.CloudFront.AmazonCloudFrontUrlSigner utility class that can be used to generate signed URLs. Based on a customer request, […]

Announcing Support for the PowerShell Gallery

The AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell have until now been made available in a single MSI installer that also contains the AWS SDK for .NET and AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. MSIs have historically been the primary method of installing software on Windows. On the Linux and OS X platforms, package managers have become the […]