AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Modularization Released to NuGet in Preview

Today, we pushed our new modularized version of the AWS SDK for .NET to NuGet in preview. This means there are separate NuGet packages for each AWS service. For example, if your application uses Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB, then instead of including the existing AWSSDK package that includes all the AWS services, you can […]

Update on Modularization of the SDK

As mentioned earlier, we are currently working on modularizing the AWS SDK for .NET into individual packages for each service. We have pushed the changes to the modularization branch in GitHub. If you use the solution file AWSSDK.sln, it will produce a core assembly for each supported platform and individual service assemblies for each supported […]

Removal of Nullable Parameter Types in AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

We wanted to let you know of a change to the Tools for Windows PowerShell, in which ‘nullable’ parameters used by some cmdlets will be removed. This affects some boolean, int, and DateTime parameters in a small number of cmdlets that up until now have been surfaced as Nullable<bool>, Nullable<int> or Nullable<DateTime> parameter types. We’ve […]

AWS Lambda Support in Visual Studio

Today we released version 1.9.0 of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio with support for AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda is a new compute service in preview that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you, making it easy to build applications that respond quickly to new information. Lambda […]

ElastiCache as an ASP.NET Session Store

Are you hosting an ASP.NET application on AWS? Do you want the benefits of Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and Auto Scaling, but feel limited by a dependency on ASP.NET session state? Rather than rely on sticky sessions, you can use an out-of-process session state provider to share session state between multiple web servers. In this […]

Clock-skew correction

Clock skew is the difference in time between two computers. In the context of this blog post, it’s the difference between the time on a computer running your .NET application (client) and Amazon’s (server). If the client time is different from server time by more than about 15 minutes, the requests your application makes will […]

Using NuGet and Chocolatey package managers in AWS CloudFormation and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

In this guest post by AWS Solutions Architect Lee Atkinson, we are going to describe how you can take advantage of the NuGet and Chocolatey package managers inside your CloudFormation templates and Elastic Beanstalk applications. AWS CloudFormation and AWS Elastic Beanstalk support the Microsoft Windows Installer for installing .msi files onto Microsoft Windows instances managed […]

Mapping Cmdlets to AWS Service APIs

The consistency of the standardized verb and naming scheme used by Windows PowerShell makes learning the basics of the shell relatively easy, but translating knowledge of an existing API to the standard names can be difficult at first. Starting with version 2.3.19, AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell contains a new cmdlet to help with discovery: […]

Upcoming Modularization of the AWS SDK for .NET

Today, I would like to announce our plans to modularize the AWS SDK for .NET into individual assemblies and NuGet packages. This work will take us a few months to complete, but we recognize this will be a pretty big change to how developers see the SDK and want to give as much of a […]