AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

AWS re:Invent 2014 Recap

Another AWS re:Invent has come and gone. Steve and I were lucky enough to be there and meet many developers using AWS in such interesting ways. We also gave a talk showing off some the new features the team added to the SDK this year. The talk has been made available online. In our talk, […]

AWS Toolkit support for Visual Studio Community 2013

We often hear from our customers that they would like our AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio to work with the Express editions of Visual Studio. We understand how desirable this is, but due to restrictions built into the Express editions of Visual Studio, it hasn’t been possible…until now. With the recent announcement of the new […]

Stripe Windows Ephemeral Disks at Launch

Today we have another guest post by AWS Solutions Architect David Veith. Amazon EC2 currently offers more than 20 current-generation instance types for your Windows operating system workloads. The root volume for Windows instances will always be a volume provided by the Amazon EBS service. Additional EBS drives can easily be added as desired. Depending […]

Utilizing Amazon ElastiCache Auto Discovery in .NET Through Enyim

Today, we released a new library, Amazon ElastiCache Cluster Configuration, that allows .NET applications to easily leverage ElastiCache features. This post explains why a programmer would want to use this library and offers a quick and easy way to try it yourself. What is Memcached? Memcached provides a way to easily avoid some of the […]

DynamoDB Series – Expressions

For the final installment of our Amazon DynamoDB series, we are going to look at the new expression support. There are two types of expressions used by DynamoDB. First you can use expressions to update specific fields in an item. The other way is to use expressions on puts, updates, or deletes to prevent the […]

DynamoDB Series – Object Persistence Model

This week, we are running a series of five daily blog posts that will explain new DynamoDB changes and how they relate to the AWS SDK for .NET. This is the fourth blog post, and today we will be discussing the Object Persistence Model. Object Persistence Model The Object Persistence Model API provides a simple […]

DynamoDB Series – Conversion Schemas

This week, we are running a series of five daily blog posts that will explain new DynamoDB changes and how they relate to the AWS SDK for .NET. This is the third blog post, and today we will be discussing conversion schemas. Conversion Schemas Document doc = new Document(); doc[“Id”] = 1; doc[“Product”] = “DataWriter”; […]

DynamoDB Series – Document Model

This week we are running a series of five daily blog posts that will explain new DynamoDB changes and how they relate to the .NET SDK. This is blog post number 2, and today we will be looking at the Document Model API. Document Model Yesterday, we learned about Amazon DynamoDB’s new data types such […]

DynamoDB Series Kickoff

Last week, Amazon DynamoDB added support for JSON document data structures. With this update, DynamoDB now supports nested data in the form of lists (L type) and maps (M type). Also part of this update was native support for booleans (BOOL type) and nulls (NULL type). This week, we will be running a series of […]

Getting Ready for re:Invent

AWS re:Invent 2014 is coming up fast. Steve Roberts and I are heading to Las Vegas and will be presenting a session where we discuss some of the latest features of the AWS SDK for .NET. We’ll also be hanging out in the Expo area at the AWS Developer Resources booth, so please drop by […]