AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Amazon Cognito Credentials Provider

Amazon Cognito helps you create unique identifiers for your end users that are kept consistent across devices and platforms. Cognito also delivers temporary, limited-privilege credentials to your app to access AWS resources. With Amazon Cognito, your app can support unauthenticated guest users as well as users authenticated through a identity provider, such as Facebook, Google, […]

Object Lifecycles

When using the AWS SDK for .NET, you may find yourself wondering how to use various components of the SDK and, more importantly, how to properly dispose of resources once you are done with them. This blog post reviews the lifecycles of various SDK objects and the best practices for using them. Lifecycles There are […]

Performance improvements to AWS SDK for .NET

We recently fixed a performance issue which affects versions of the SDK that target .NET Framework 4.5. This issue is present in SDK versions – and only affects synchronous API calls. This issue results in the usage of additional threads while using the synchronous APIs. In some specific environments—for example, with ASP.NET applications […]

S3 Server Side Encryption with Windows PowerShell

Today we have a guest post by AWS Solutions Architect David Veith on making use of Amazon S3’s server-side encryption with customer-provided keys. The release of version 2.1.4 of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell introduced support for a new server-side encryption method for Amazon S3. You now have three primary options for encrypting data […]

Introducing S3Link to DynamoDBContext

S3Link has been in the AWS SDK for Java for a while now, and we have decided to introduce it to the AWS SDK for .NET as well. This feature allows you to access your Amazon S3 resources easily through a link in your Amazon DynamoDB data. S3Link can be used with minimal configuration with […]

Importing VM Images and Volumes with PowerShell and C#

Version 2.2.0 of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell and AWS SDK for .NET contained updates to make it easy to import virtual machine images and disk volumes into Amazon EC2. In the case of PowerShell, there are revised Import-EC2Instance and Import-EC2Volume cmdlets, while in the SDK there is a new helper class, DiskImageImporter, in […]

Supporting Windows Phone 8.1

When we introduced version 2 of AWS SDK for .NET, it included support for Windows Store 8 and Windows Phone 8. With the release of Windows Phone 8.1, the runtime environment has changed to make it similar to Windows Store apps and to support Universal Apps. This means that when you create a new Windows […]

Subscribing Websites to Amazon SNS Topics

Amazon SNS allows you to create topics that have many different subscribers to receive the messages sent from the topic. Amazon SQS queues and emails are probably the most common type of consumers for a topic, but it is also possible to subscribe a website. Setting Up the Website The sample application creates a generic […]

Enhancements to the DynamoDB SDK

The release of AWS SDK for .NET version 2.1.0 has introduced a number of changes to the high-level Amazon DynamoDB classes. Now, less markup is required to use classes with DynamoDBContext, as the SDK now infers reasonable default behavior. You can customize this behavior through app.config/web.config files and during run time through the SDK. In […]

Monitoring Your Estimated Costs with Windows PowerShell

The documentation for Amazon CloudWatch contains this sample scenario for setting up alarms to monitor your estimated charges. Apart from a one-time operation to enable billing alerts for your account, the same capability can be set up and maintained using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell. Enabling Alerts The first step is to enable billing […]