AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Java

Pausing and Resuming transfers using Transfer Manager

One of the really cool features that TransferManager now supports is pausing and resuming file uploads and downloads. You can now pause a very large file upload and resume it at a later time without having the necessity to re-upload the bytes that have been already uploaded. Also, this helps you survive JVM crashes as […]

Follow up on Base64 Codec Performance

After we posted the previous blog, A Fast and Correct Base64 Codec, some readers expressed interest in getting more details about the comparison of various codecs’ performance. So this blog post is a quick follow-up with a side-by-side decode/encode performance comparison of various Base64 codec’s, including AWS SDK for Java, DataTypeConverter, Jakarta Commons Codec and […]

A Fast and Correct Base 64 Codec

In AWS, we always strive to make our tools and services better for our customers. One example is the recent improvement we made to the AWS Java SDK’s Base 64 encoding and decoding. In essence, we’ve replaced the use of Jakarta Commons Codec 1.x with a different implementation throughout the entire SDK. Why, you may […]

Amazon S3 Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Keys

Amazon S3 recently launched a new feature that lets developers take advantage of server-side encryption, but still control their encryption keys. This new server-side encryption mode for Amazon S3 is called Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C). Using server-side encryption in Amazon S3 with your own encryption keys is easy using the AWS SDK for […]

Amazon S3 Requester Pays

You may have heard about the Requester Pays feature in Amazon S3 that allows bucket owners to pass the data transfer costs to users who download the data. Users can now use the AWS SDK for Java to enable/disable Requester Pays on their buckets. To enable Requester Pays on an Amazon S3 bucket // create […]

Secure Local Development with the ProfileCredentialsProvider

We’ve talked in the past about the importance of secure credentials management. When your application is running in production, IAM roles for Amazon EC2 are a great way to securely deliver AWS credentials to your application. However, they’re by definition available only when your application is running on EC2 instances. If you’re a developer making […]

Using Improved Conditional Writes in DynamoDB

Last month the Amazon DynamoDB team announced a new pair of features: Improved Query Filtering and Conditional Updates.  In this post, we’ll show how to use the new and improved conditional writes feature of DynamoDB to speed up your app. Let’s say you’re building a racing game, where two players advance in position until they […]

Amazon S3 Client-Side Authenticated Encryption

Encrypting data using the Amazon S3 encryption client is one way you can provide an additional layer of protection for sensitive information you store in Amazon S3. Now the Amazon S3 encryption client provides you with the ability to use authenticated encryption for your stored data via the new CryptoMode.AuthenticatedEncryption option. The Developer Preview of […]

Develop, Deploy, and Manage for Scale with AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CloudFormation

Evan Brown is doing a great five part series on the AWS Application Management Blog on developing, deploying, and managing for scale with Elastic Beanstalk and CloudFormation. In each of his five blog posts, Evan breaks down a different topic and explains best practices as well as practical tips and tricks for working with applications […]