AWS Developer Tools Blog

New Get-ECRLoginCommand for AWS Tools for PowerShell

Today’s post is from AWS Solution Architect and Microsoft MVP for Cloud and Data Center Management, Trevor Sullivan. The AWS Tools for PowerShell now offer a new command that makes it easier to authenticate to the Amazon EC2 Container Registry (Amazon ECR). Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR) is a service that enables customers to upload and store […]

Introducing Amazon DynamoDB Expression Builder in the AWS SDK for Go

This post was authored by Hajime Hayano. The v1.11.0 release of the AWS SDK for Go adds a new expression package that enables you to create Amazon DynamoDB Expressions using statically typed builders. The expression package abstracts away the low-level detail of using DynamoDB Expressions and simplifies the process of using DynamoDB Expressions in DynamoDB […]

Updated Composer Dependencies for AWS SDK for PHP Version 3

In version 3.34.0, the AWS SDK for PHP is updated to correctly communicate its dependencies on PHP extensions through Composer. Several extensions included in many common PHP distributions are not guaranteed to be installed or enabled. In earlier versions, the SDK silently required each of the following extensions, which would cause errors at runtime if […]

Automated Changelog in AWS SDK for PHP

Starting with version 3.22.10 of the AWS SDK for PHP, released February 23, 2017, the Changelog Builder automatically processes all changelog entries. Each pull request is required to have a changelog JSON blob as part of the request. The system also calculates the next version for the SDK based on the type of the changes that […]

Using the AWS_PROFILE Environment Variable to Choose a Profile

In an upcoming release of the AWS SDK for .NET, the FallbackCredentialsFactory class and the FallbackRegionFactory class will allow the use of the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. The SDK currently looks for a profile named “default” when retrieving credentials and region settings. After this change is released, users will be able to set the AWS_PROFILE environment […]

Announcing the Modularized AWS SDK for Ruby (Version 3)

We’re excited to announce today’s stable release of version 3 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. The SDK is now available with over 100 service-specific gems (starting with aws-sdk-*, such as aws-sdk-s3) on RubyGems. You can find a full list of available service gems can be found at our GitHub landing page. Features Version 3 of the AWS SDK for […]

Working with Lambda Functions and Visual Studio Team Services

In previous posts, we talked about our new AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), which provides AWS tasks you can add to your build definition. We also talked about our AWS Elastic Beanstalk task that you can use to deploy .NET web applications. In our initial release, there are also two tasks […]

Deploying .NET Web Applications Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Visual Studio Team Services

We recently announced the new AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services. Today let’s take a deeper look at how you can use the new tools to support deploying your .NET web applications from Team Services to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Elastic Beanstalk uses environments to run .NET web applications. Before using this task, you […]