AWS Developer Tools Blog

Custom Elastic Beanstalk Application Deployments

In the previous post, you learned how to use the new deployment manifest for the the Windows container in AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy a collection of ASP.NET Core and traditional ASP.NET applications. The deployment manifest supports a third deployment type, custom application deployment. Custom application deployment is a powerful feature for advanced users who […]

Multiple Application Support for .NET and Elastic Beanstalk

In the previous post we talked about the new deployment manifest you can use to deploy applications to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. You can now use the deployment manifest to deploy multiple applications to the same Elastic Beanstalk environment. The deployment manifest supports ASP.NET Core web applications and msdeploy archives for traditional ASP.NET applications. Imagine a […]

Customizing ASP.NET Core Deployments

In our previous post we announced support for deploying ASP.NET Core applications with AWS Elastic Beanstalk and the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. Today, we’ll talk about how deployment works and how you can customize it. After you go through the deployment wizard in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, the toolkit bundles the application and […]

ASP.NET Core Support for Elastic Beanstalk

Today, we release support for deploying ASP.NET Core applications to AWS by using AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Elastic Beanstalk) and the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. This Elastic Beanstalk release expands the support the service already offers for deploying applications, including traditional ASP.NET applications, in a variety of languages to AWS. Let’s walk through the deployment […]

Introducing AWS Tools for PowerShell Core Edition

Today Microsoft announced PowerShell support on Windows, Linux and OS X platforms (read the blog announcement here). We’re pleased to also announce support for PowerShell on these new platforms with a new module, the AWS Tools for PowerShell Core Edition or “AWSPowerShell.NetCore” to give it its module name. Just like PowerShell itself, this new module […]

Argument Completion Support in AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

Version of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell now includes support for tab completion of parameters that map to enumeration types in service APIs. Let’s look at how these types are implemented in the underlying AWS SDK for .NET and then see how this new support helps you at the Windows PowerShell command line […]

General Availability Release of the aws-record Gem

Today, we’re pleased to announce the GA release of version 1.0.0 of the aws-record gem. What Is aws-record? In version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby, the AWS::Record class provided a data mapping abstraction over Amazon DynamoDB operations. Earlier this year, we released the aws-record developer preview as a separately packaged library to provide […]

Hello, Perl Developers!

Did you know that Perl developers can leverage the many powerful services of AWS?  For years, customers have been running Perl workloads on AWS, but if you want to use services like Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) or Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), where do you start? Whether you’re a Perl beginner or […]

Waiters in the AWS SDK for Java

We’re pleased to announce the addition of the waiters feature in the AWS SDK for Java (take a look at the release notes). Waiters make it easier to wait for a resource to transition into a desired state, which is a very common task when you’re working with services that are eventually consistent (such as […]

Throttled Retries Now Enabled by Default

Back in March (1.10.59), the AWS SDK for Java introduced throttled retries, an opt-in feature that could be enabled in the SDK ClientConfiguration to retry failed service requests. Typically, client-side retries are used to avoid unnecessarily surfacing exceptions caused by transient network or service issues. However, when there are longer-running issues (for example, a network or service […]