AWS Developer Tools Blog

Update on Modularization of the SDK

As mentioned earlier, we are currently working on modularizing the AWS SDK for .NET into individual packages for each service. We have pushed the changes to the modularization branch in GitHub. If you use the solution file AWSSDK.sln, it will produce a core assembly for each supported platform and individual service assemblies for each supported […]

Using the AWS SDK for JavaScript from Behind a Proxy

The AWS SDK for JavaScript can be configured to work from behind a network proxy. In browsers, proxy connections are transparently managed, and the SDK works out of the box without any additional configuration. This article focuses on using the SDK in Node.js from behind a proxy. Node.js itself has no low-level support for proxies, […]

Removal of Nullable Parameter Types in AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

We wanted to let you know of a change to the Tools for Windows PowerShell, in which ‘nullable’ parameters used by some cmdlets will be removed. This affects some boolean, int, and DateTime parameters in a small number of cmdlets that up until now have been surfaced as Nullable<bool>, Nullable<int> or Nullable<DateTime> parameter types. We’ve […]

Amazon S3 Client-side Crypto Meta Information

Are you curious about how the Amazon S3 Encryption Java client makes use of meta information to support client-side encryption?  Have you ever wondered how you can write code in other languages that can encrypt/decrypt S3 objects in a format that is compatible with the AWS SDK for Java, or an AWS SDK for another […]

Announcing the aws-sdk-rails Gem

With the release of V2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby, we’ve received customer feedback asking for support for the Ruby on Rails integration features provided by V1 of the SDK. Today, we’re excited to announce the release of the aws-sdk-rails gem, available now via RubyGems and, of course, on GitHub. To get started, add […]

AWS Lambda Support in Visual Studio

Today we released version 1.9.0 of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio with support for AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda is a new compute service in preview that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you, making it easy to build applications that respond quickly to new information. Lambda […]

ElastiCache as an ASP.NET Session Store

Are you hosting an ASP.NET application on AWS? Do you want the benefits of Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and Auto Scaling, but feel limited by a dependency on ASP.NET session state? Rather than rely on sticky sessions, you can use an out-of-process session state provider to share session state between multiple web servers. In this […]

Create, Update, and Delete Global Secondary Indexes Using the Amazon DynamoDB Document API

Amazon DynamoDB recently announced a new feature, online indexing that helps you create and modify global secondary indexes (GSI) after table creation. You can also delete a global secondary index associated with a table at any time. This blog post shows how easy it is to use the Amazon DynamoDB Document API of AWS SDK […]

Clock-skew correction

Clock skew is the difference in time between two computers. In the context of this blog post, it’s the difference between the time on a computer running your .NET application (client) and Amazon’s (server). If the client time is different from server time by more than about 15 minutes, the requests your application makes will […]