AWS Developer Tools Blog

S3 Server Side Encryption with Windows PowerShell

Today we have a guest post by AWS Solutions Architect David Veith on making use of Amazon S3’s server-side encryption with customer-provided keys. The release of version 2.1.4 of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell introduced support for a new server-side encryption method for Amazon S3. You now have three primary options for encrypting data […]

Accessing Private Content in Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront is an easy to use, high performance, and cost efficient content delivery service. With over 50 worldwide edge locations, CloudFront is able to deliver your content to your customers with low latency in any part of the world. In addition to serving public content for anyone on the Internet to access, you can […]

Introducing S3Link to DynamoDBContext

S3Link has been in the AWS SDK for Java for a while now, and we have decided to introduce it to the AWS SDK for .NET as well. This feature allows you to access your Amazon S3 resources easily through a link in your Amazon DynamoDB data. S3Link can be used with minimal configuration with […]

Importing VM Images and Volumes with PowerShell and C#

Version 2.2.0 of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell and AWS SDK for .NET contained updates to make it easy to import virtual machine images and disk volumes into Amazon EC2. In the case of PowerShell, there are revised Import-EC2Instance and Import-EC2Volume cmdlets, while in the SDK there is a new helper class, DiskImageImporter, in […]

Version 2 Resource Interfaces

In version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby provides a 1-to-1 client class for each AWS service. For many services it also provides a resource-oriented interface. These resource objects use the client to provide a more natural object-oriented experience when working with AWS APIs. We are busy working resource interfaces for the v2 Ruby […]

Supporting Windows Phone 8.1

When we introduced version 2 of AWS SDK for .NET, it included support for Windows Store 8 and Windows Phone 8. With the release of Windows Phone 8.1, the runtime environment has changed to make it similar to Windows Store apps and to support Universal Apps. This means that when you create a new Windows […]

Response Paging

We’ve been busy working on version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. One of the features we added recently was response paging. Paging in the Version 1 Ruby SDK In version 1 of the Ruby SDK provides collection classes for many AWS resources. These collections are enumerable objects that yield resource objects. iam = […]

Subscribing Websites to Amazon SNS Topics

Amazon SNS allows you to create topics that have many different subscribers to receive the messages sent from the topic. Amazon SQS queues and emails are probably the most common type of consumers for a topic, but it is also possible to subscribe a website. Setting Up the Website The sample application creates a generic […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP – Version 2.6.12

We would like to announce the release of version 2.6.12 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for new regions to the Kinesis client and new features to the AWS Support and AWS IAM clients. Install the SDK Install via Composer/Packagist (e.g., "aws/aws-sdk-php": "~2.6.12") Download the aws.phar Download the

Pausing and Resuming transfers using Transfer Manager

One of the really cool features that TransferManager now supports is pausing and resuming file uploads and downloads. You can now pause a very large file upload and resume it at a later time without having the necessity to re-upload the bytes that have been already uploaded. Also, this helps you survive JVM crashes as […]