AWS Developer Tools Blog

Subscribing an SQS Queue to an SNS Topic

In version of the SDK we added an enhancement to the SDK to make it easier to subscribe an Amazon SQS queue to an Amazon SNS topic. You have always been able to subscribe queues to topics using the Subscribe method on the SNS client, but after you subscribed to the topic with your […]

From RSpec to Minitest

One of my favorite aspects of working with Ruby is how natural it is to write tests for. The Ruby community does an excellent job of encouraging authors to produce well tested code. There is a plethora of well supported tools to choose from. I like to joke that new Ruby developers write Micro test […]

Using Credentials from AWS Security Token Service

A recent post on the AWS PHP Development forum inspired me to write a quick post about how to use credentials vended by AWS Security Token Service with the AWS SDK for PHP. What is AWS Security Token Service? AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) is a web service that enables you to request temporary, […]

AWS re:Invent 2013 Wrap-up

We’re back in Seattle after spending last week in Las Vegas at AWS re:Invent 2013! It was great to meet so many Java developers building applications on AWS. We heard lots of excellent feature requests for all the different tools and projects our team works on, and we’re excited to get started building them! The […]

Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) provides a simple method to control the lifecycle of your S3 objects. In this post, we examine how you can easily set up rules to delete or archive old data in S3 using the AWS SDK for .NET. Lifecycle Rules Lifecycle configurations are associated with a bucket. A lifecycle configuration […]

AWS re:Invent Slides Posted

AWS re:Invent was an amazing event this year. We are glad that we could connect with the PHP developers that were there. If you weren’t there, be sure to watch the Day 1 Keynote with AWS Sr. Vice President Andy Jassy and Day 2 Keynote with Amazon CTO, Werner Vogels. Well known AWS customers like […]

The Three Different APIs for Amazon S3

The AWS SDK for .NET has three different APIs to work with Amazon S3. The low-level API found in the Amazon.S3 and Amazon.S3.Model namespaces provides complete coverage of the S3 APIs. For easy uploads and downloads, there is TransferUtility, which is found in the Amazon.S3.Transfer namespace. Finally the File I/O API in the Amazon.S3.IO namespace […]

AWS Service Provider for Silex – Version 1.1.0

We would like to announce the availability of version 1.1.0 of the AWS Service Provider for Silex. This release updates the package’s dependencies to work with the latest versions of the AWS SDK for PHP and Silex. Let us know what you think! Please submit any issues or feature requests to our GitHub issue tracker.

High-Level APIs in the AWS SDK for Java

Today, at AWS re:Invent 2013, I’m talking about some of the high-level APIs for Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB, but there are a whole lot more high-level APIs in the SDK that I won’t have time to demo. These high-level APIs are all aimed at specific common tasks that developers face, and each one can […]