AWS Developer Tools Blog

AWS re:Invent 2013 Wrap-up

We’re back in Seattle after spending last week in Las Vegas at AWS re:Invent 2013! It was great to meet so many Java developers building applications on AWS. We heard lots of excellent feature requests for all the different tools and projects our team works on, and we’re excited to get started building them!

The slides from my session on the SDK and Eclipse Toolkit are online, and we’ll let you know as soon as the videos from the sessions start appearing online, too.

I’ve also uploaded the latest code for the AWS Meme Generator to GitHub. I used this simple web application in my session to demonstrate a few features in the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. Check out the project on GitHub and try it out yourself!

If you didn’t make it to AWS re:Invent 2013, or if you were there, but just didn’t get a chance to stop by the AWS SDKs and Tools booth, let us know in the comments below what kinds of features you’d like to see in tools like the AWS SDK for Java and the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse.