AWS Developer Tools Blog

Threading with the AWS SDK for Ruby

When using threads in an application, it’s important to keep thread-safety in mind. This statement is not specific to the Ruby world; it’s a reality in any language that supports threading. What is specific to Ruby is the fact that many libraries in our language are loaded at run-time, and often, loading code at run-time […]

Release: AWS Toolkit for Eclipse 2.3

We’ve just released a new version of the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse that adds support for managing your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources directly from within Eclipse, and updates the Amazon DynamoDB Create Table Wizard in the toolkit to support creating tables with Local Secondary Indexes. Check out the new functionality and let […]

Eclipse Deployment: Part 1 – AWS Java Web Applications

In this three part series, we’ll show how easy it is to deploy a Java web application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. The first post in this series demonstrates how to create an AWS Java Web Project, and explains how that project interacts with the existing web development tools in […]

AWS at RailsConf 2013

Loren and I will be at RailsConf next week. AWS will have a booth on the exhibitor floor. If you have any questions about the AWS SDK for Ruby (or anything really), we’d love to chat. We will have swag and credits to hand out, so come stop by and say hi. I will also […]

Locking Dependency Versions with Bundler

When writing a Ruby application or library that makes use of third-party dependencies, it is always best to keep track of those dependency versions. This is an easy thing to do with Bundler, but not everybody does it. We think you should, so here are some quick tips on how to get started. Locking to […]

Stubbing AWS Responses

I come across questions frequently about how to test an application that uses the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem). Testing an application that makes use of an external service is always tricky. One technique is to stub the client-level responses returned by the SDK. AWS.stub! Calling the AWS.stub! method in your ruby process configures […]

Working with Different AWS Regions

Wherever you or your customers are in the world, there are AWS data centers nearby. Each AWS region is a completely independent stack of services, totally isolated from other regions. You should always host your AWS application in the region nearest your customers. For example, if your customers are in Japan, running your website from […]