AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: .NET

Exploring ASP.NET Core Part 1: Deploying from GitHub

ASP.NET Core, formally ASP.NET 5, is a platform that offers lots of possibilities for deploying .NET applications. This series of posts will explore options for deploying ASP.NET applications on AWS. What Is ASP.NET Core? ASP.NET Core is the new open-source, cross-platform, and modularized implementation of ASP.NET. It is currently under development, so expect future posts […]

Contributing to the AWS SDK for .NET

The AWS SDK for .NET is an open source project available on GitHub. This post is to help community developers navigate the SDK code base with an eye toward contributing features and fixes to the SDK. Code Generation The first gotcha for contributors is that major portions of the code are generated from models of […]

DynamoDB Document Model Manual Pagination

In version of the DynamoDB .NET SDK package, we added pagination support to the Document Model. This feature allows you to use a pagination token returned by the API to paginate a set of Query or Scan results across sessions. Until now, it was not possible to resume pagination of Query or Scan results […]

AWS SDK for .NET Refresh for ASP.NET 5

Today we refreshed our ASP.NET 5 and CoreCLR support for the AWS SDK for .NET. This means we have pulled in all of the latest service updates, new services like AWS IoT, and enhancements from our stable 3.1 line of NuGet packages into new 3.2 beta versions of the SDK. Because there are a few […]

Installing Scheduled Tasks on EC2 Windows Instances

Today’s guest post is part one of a two part series by AWS Solutions Architect Russell Day. Windows administrators and developers often use scheduled tasks to run programs or scripts on a recurring basis. In this post, we will demonstrate how to use the Amazon EC2 User data option to install scheduled tasks on Windows […]

Code Analyzers Added to AWS SDK for .NET

One of the most exciting Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 features is the ability to have static analysis run on your code as you write it. This allows you to flag code that is syntactically correct but will cause errors when run. We have added static analyzers to the latest AWS SDK NuGet packages for each […]

New Support for Federated Users in the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

Starting with version, the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell support the use of federated user accounts through Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) for accessing AWS services, using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). In earlier versions, all cmdlets that called AWS services required you to specify AWS access and secret keys through either cmdlet […]

Using Amazon Kinesis Firehose

Amazon Kinesis Firehose, a new service announced at this year’s re:Invent conference, is the easiest way to load streaming data into to AWS. Firehose manages all of the resources and automatically scales to match the throughput of your data. It can capture and automatically load streaming data into Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift. An example […]

Listing Cmdlets by Service

In this post, we discussed a new cmdlet you can use to navigate your way around the cmdlets in the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell module. This cmdlet enables you to search for cmdlets that implemented a service API by answering questions like, “Which cmdlet implements the Amazon EC2 ‘RunInstances’ API?” It can also do […]