AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: .NET

Using NuGet and Chocolatey package managers in AWS CloudFormation and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

In this guest post by AWS Solutions Architect Lee Atkinson, we are going to describe how you can take advantage of the NuGet and Chocolatey package managers inside your CloudFormation templates and Elastic Beanstalk applications. AWS CloudFormation and AWS Elastic Beanstalk support the Microsoft Windows Installer for installing .msi files onto Microsoft Windows instances managed […]

Mapping Cmdlets to AWS Service APIs

The consistency of the standardized verb and naming scheme used by Windows PowerShell makes learning the basics of the shell relatively easy, but translating knowledge of an existing API to the standard names can be difficult at first. Starting with version 2.3.19, AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell contains a new cmdlet to help with discovery: […]

Upcoming Modularization of the AWS SDK for .NET

Today, I would like to announce our plans to modularize the AWS SDK for .NET into individual assemblies and NuGet packages. This work will take us a few months to complete, but we recognize this will be a pretty big change to how developers see the SDK and want to give as much of a […]

Updated Amazon Cognito Credentials Provider

Amazon Cognito allows you to get temporary AWS credentials, so that you don’t have to distribute your own credentials with your application. Last year we added a Cognito credentials provider to the AWS SDK for .NET to simplify this process. With the latest update to Cognito, we are now making it even easier to use […]

Cross-Account IAM Roles in Windows PowerShell

As a company’s adoption of Amazon Web Services (AWS) grows, most customers adopt a multi-account strategy. Some customers choose to create an account for each application, while others create an account for each business unit or environment (development, testing, production). Whatever the strategy, there is often a use case that requires access to multiple accounts […]

Alternative Formatting for Metrics Data in .NET SDK Logs

The AWS SDK for .NET has had response logging and performance metrics logging since before version 2.0. We introduced SDK logging and metrics output in an earlier post. You might want to skim that as a refresher. The metrics data is included in the logs in a human-readable format, but SDK users who aggregate, analyze, […]

Querying the Public IP Address Ranges for AWS

A post on the AWS Official Blog last November noted that the authoritative public IP address ranges used by AWS could now be obtained from a JSON-format file. The same information can now be accessed easily from AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell with a new cmdlet, Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange, without the need to parse JSON. This cmdlet […]

Caching Amazon Cognito Identity IDs

Amazon Cognito is a service that you can use to get AWS credentials to your mobile and desktop applications without embedding them in your code. A few months ago, we added a credentials provider for Cognito. In version 2.3.14 of the AWS SDK for .NET, we updated the credentials provider to support caching the identity […]