AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: .NET

Requesting feedback on the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio

The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio provides extensions for Microsoft Visual Studio that make it easier to develop, debug, and deploy .NET applications using Amazon Web Services. We’re constantly working to improve these extensions and provide developers what they need to develop and manage their applications. To better guide the future of the AWS Toolkit […]

Using Amazon SQS Dead Letter Queues

After Jason Fulghum recently posted a blog entry about using Amazon SQS dead letter queues with the AWS SDK for Java, I thought his post would be interesting for .NET developers as well. Here is Jason’s post with the code replaced with the C# equivalent. Amazon SQS recently introduced support for dead letter queues. This […]

IAM Credential Rotation (Access Key Management for .NET Applications – Part 3)

In the previous post in this series, we talked about using IAM users instead of using the root access keys of your AWS account. In this post, we’ll talk about another security best practice, regularly rotating your credentials. Instead of rotating credentials only when keys are compromised, you should regularly rotate your credentials. If you […]

New Sample Simple Workflow

When you install the SDK from our website, many samples are installed inside Visual Studio, including the Express editions of Visual Studio. Look in the New Project Wizard, where you’ll find samples showing off many of the AWS services.   We recently added a new sample that shows off using Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF) […]

Resource Condition Support in the AWS CloudFormation Editor

AWS CloudFormation recently added support for conditions that control whether resources are created or what value to set for properties on resources. The CloudFormation editor included with the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio was updated to support conditions in version 1.6.1. If you have never used the CloudFormation editor, we have a screencast that gives […]

Creating Amazon DynamoDB Tables with PowerShell

Version 2.0 of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell contains new cmdlets that allow you to manage tables in Amazon DynamoDB. The cmdlets all share the same noun prefix, DDB, and can be discovered using Get-Command: PS C:> Get-Command -Module AWSPowerShell -Noun DDB* CommandType Name ModuleName ———– —- ———- Cmdlet Add-DDBIndexSchema AWSPowerShell Cmdlet Add-DDBKeySchema AWSPowerShell […]

Configuring DynamoDB Tables for Development and Production

The Object Persistence Model API in the SDK uses annotated classes to tell the SDK which table to store objects in. For example, the DyanmoDBTable attribute on the Users class below tells the SDK to store instances of the Users class into the “Users” table. [DynamoDBTable(“Users”)] public class Users { [DynamoDBHashKey] public string Id { […]