AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: OpsWorks

Caching the Rails Asset Pipeline with Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery web service. It integrates with other Amazon Web Services to give developers and businesses an easy way to distribute content to end users with low latency, high data transfer speeds, and no minimum usage commitments. Ruby on Rails introduced the asset pipeline in version 3.1. The Rails asset pipeline […]

Deploying Ruby on Rails Applications to AWS OpsWorks

To begin our series on using Ruby on Rails with Amazon Web Services, we are going to start at the beginning: deploying our application. Today, we will be deploying our application to AWS OpsWorks. Following along with this post, you should be able to deploy our “Todo Sample App” to AWS using OpsWorks, with your […]

AWS OpsWorks for Java

Today, we have a guest post by Chris Barclay from the AWS OpsWorks team. We are pleased to announce that AWS OpsWorks now supports Java applications. AWS OpsWorks is an application management service that makes it easy to model and manage your entire application. You can start from templates for common technologies, or build your […]

AWS SDK for Ruby Release v1.8.3

We just published version 1.8.3 of the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem).  This release adds support for AWS OpsWorks and resolves a number of customer reported issues.  require ‘aws-sdk’ opsworks = resp = opsworks.client.describe_stacks resp #=> { :stacks => [] } You can view the AWS::OpsWorks::Client API documentation here. Take it for a spin […]