AWS DevOps Blog

Tag: Re-architect

Architecture Diagram

Modernizing and containerizing a legacy MVC .NET application with Entity Framework to .NET Core with Entity Framework Core: Part 2

This is the second post in a two-part series in which you migrate and containerize a modernized enterprise application. In Part 1, we walked you through a step-by-step approach to re-architect a legacy ASP.NET MVC application and ported it to .NET Core Framework. In this post, you will deploy the previously re-architected application to Amazon […]

MIgrationBlog Overview

Modernizing and containerizing a legacy MVC .NET application with Entity Framework to .NET Core with Entity Framework Core: Part 1

Tens of thousands of .NET applications are running across the world, many of which are ASP.NET web applications. This number becomes interesting when you consider that the .NET framework, as we know it, will be changing significantly. The current release schedule for .NET 5.0 is November 2020, and going forward there will be just one […]