AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Guest Post

Transitioning to DevOps and the Cloud

“Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence — only in constant improvement and constant change.” -Tom Peters Last year I wrote a mini-series around DevOps in the Enterprise. This continues to be a frequent topic of discussion in my conversations with CIOs, which is why I am honored to host a guest post from AWS’ Scott Wiltamuth on the […]

21 Best Practices for Your Cloud Migration

Practice makes permanent. -Bobby Robson I’ve spent much of the last several months working with various AWS customers and teams on a holistic program that helps enterprises accelerate their cloud migration efforts. There are many aspects to this program, including (but not limited to) AWS services (e.g., AWS Database Migration Service, AWS Snowball, VM Import/Export), a […]

New York Public Library’s Cloud Journey

“A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.” -Norman Cousins I had the pleasure meeting Jay Haque a few years ago when he started leading the New York Public Library’s (NYPL) cloud Journey. I was on a similar Journey at Dow Jones, and we had the […]

Accelerate Your Cloud Migrations with AWS Partners That Have Done It

I’ve been fortunate enough to spend much of the last several months working with customers and various teams across AWS to develop a holistic program aimed at helping enterprises accelerate their efforts to migrate large portions of their IT portfolio to AWS. There are many aspects to this program including (but not limited to) AWS […]

SAP in the Cloud — Part One

I am fortunate enough to regularly speak with executives at some of the world’s largest organizations about how they’re using the cloud to transform their business. One of the most frequent topics of discussion is around how to effectively run SAP on AWS. Needless to say, I am very excited to introduce a mini-series on […]

Accenture and AWS

“I get by with a little help from my friends” -The Beatles In an upcoming post I will detail some characteristics common to enterprises working successfully in the cloud. One of those characteristics is making sure that you have a cloud center of excellence within your organization. For enterprises that want to accelerate their movement […]