Tag: Scientific Computing
Large scale, cost effective GROMACS simulations using the Cyclone Solution from AWS
Proteins hold the secrets of life, if only we can study them in sufficient detail. Learn how a team at Max Planck leveraged AWS Spot Instances with Cyclone to run massive GROMACS simulations and push the boundaries of biophysics.
HPC Ops: DevOps for HPC workloads in the cloud
Interested in boosting productivity for HPC users and admins? Read this post to learn how HPC Ops (infrastructure as code + CI/CD) delivers faster, more consistent infrastructure deployments and pain free experiences for your users.
Guided multi-objective generative AI for drug design
Transforming computer-aided drug design: see how SandboxAQ leverages AWS and generative AI to explore chemical space, more intelligently generating drug candidates.
Implementing e-mail and SMS notifications in AWS ParallelCluster with Slurm
Learn how to configure email and SMS alerts for job events to stay on top of your HPC workloads with AWS ParallelCluster using Slurm.
Gang scheduling pods on Amazon EKS using AWS Batch multi-node processing jobs
AWS Batch multi-node parallel jobs can now run on Amazon EKS to provide gang scheduling of pods across nodes for large scale distributed computing like ML model training. More details here.
Improve HPC workloads on AWS for environmental sustainability
Need to cut your carbon footprint without sacrificing productivity? Migrating HPC workloads to the cloud allowed Baker Hughes to reduce emissions by 99%! Get tips for optimizing compute, storage, networking so you can do better.
Job queue snapshots: see what’s at the head of your queues in AWS Batch
AWS Batch just grew a neat new feature: Job queue snapshots. This gives you the visibility you need for managing throughput in a dynamic environment – with competing priorities – and across multiple queues and workloads. Today we give you the inside scoop on how this feature works – especially when you’re using fair share scheduling.
Call for participation: HPC tutorial series from the HPCIC
Interested in getting hands-on experience with cutting-edge HPC tools? Check out this blog post on an upcoming virtual training series from @LLNL and @AWSCloud. Learn emerging technologies from the experts this August.
Integrating Research and Engineering Studio with AWS ParallelCluster
Researchers, engineers & scientists – learn how to leverage AWS ParallelCluster with Research & Engineering Studio for a full-featured cloud workspace. Read this post for details on this new integration.
Announcing: Seqera Containers for the bioinformatics community
Genomics community: rejoice! Seqera and AWS have teamed up to announce Seqera Containers, an open-source, no cost, reliable way to generate containers.