The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

Using Device Time to Validate AWS IoT Server Certificates

AWS IoT Core supports a wide variety of clients, including browsers running applications built using the AWS IoT Device SDK for JavaScript, smartphones running applications built on the AWS Mobile SDKs, and embedded applications built with the AWS IoT Device SDKs. Each of these environments has different capabilities; some have more memory or faster CPUs […]

How AI Will Accelerate IoT Solutions for Enterprise

Artificial intelligence (AI) is going mainstream, which has long-lasting implications for how enterprises build and improve their products and services. As announced at re:Invent 2016, AWS is simplifying artificial intelligence (AI) adoption through three low-cost, cloud-based services built for AI-specific uses cases. Instead of creating proprietary algorithms, data models or machine learning techniques, all levels […]

Identify APN Partners to Help You Build Innovative IoT Solutions on AWS

AWS provides essential building blocks to help virtually any company build and deploy an Internet of Things (IoT) solution.  Building on AWS, you have access to a broad array of services including AWS IoT, a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices, and low-cost data […]