The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Tag: Device Shadows

Manage IoT device state anywhere using AWS IoT Device Shadow service and AWS IoT Greengrass

Introduction Internet of Things (IoT) developers often need to implement a robust mechanism for managing IoT device state either locally or remotely. A typical example is a smart home radiator, an IoT device where you can use the built-in control panel to adjust the temperature (device state), or trigger temperature adjustment messages remotely from a […]

Archive AWS IoT Device Shadows in Amazon OpenSearch Service

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. In AWS IoT, you can create a device shadow (sometimes referred to as a thing shadow) that will be used as a communication layer between your mobile/cloud application and your devices connected to AWS IoT. The shadow is a persistent, virtual […]