The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Tag: manufacturing

Converting industrial protocols with AWS IoT Greengrass

Gaining access to sensor data or telemetry of industrial machines is a key requirement for implementing high-value use cases around smart manufacturing or Industry 4.0. For instance, predictive maintenance or automated quality control is not possible without having such data at a high temporal resolution. Given the heterogeneous environment of modern industrial production lines with […]

Determining state in systems with high-frequency updates using AWS IoT Greengrass

Determining state in systems with high-frequency updates using AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass extends AWS managed services to edge device systems, providing security, message routing, and local state processing. It also provides a central hub for connectivity with other AWS services using AWS Lambda functions. Some edge systems with multiple devices produce high-frequency updates, such as device shadow updates. It can be difficult to determine […]