AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Solution Architecture Diagram

Personalize your machine translation results by using fuzzy matching with Amazon Translate

A person’s vernacular is part of the characteristics that make them unique. There are often countless different ways to express one specific idea. When a firm communicates with their customers, it’s critical that the message is delivered in a way that best represents the information they’re trying to convey. This becomes even more important when […]

Enhance the caller experience with hints in Amazon Lex

We understand speech input better if we have some background on the topic of conversation. Consider a customer service agent at an auto parts wholesaler helping with orders. If the agent knows that the customer is looking for tires, they’re more likely to recognize responses (for example, “Michelin”) on the phone. Agents often pick up […]

Run automatic model tuning with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

In December 2020, AWS announced the general availability of Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, a capability of Amazon SageMaker that helps you quickly and easily get started with machine learning (ML). In March 2022, we also announced the support for APIs in JumpStart. JumpStart provides one-click fine-tuning and deployment of a wide variety of pre-trained models across […]

Image classification and object detection using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels and Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

In the last decade, computer vision use cases have been a growing trend, especially in industries like insurance, automotive, ecommerce, energy, retail, manufacturing, and others. Customers are building computer vision machine learning (ML) models to bring operational efficiencies and automation to their processes. Such models help automate the classification of images or detection of objects […]

Intelligently search your Jira projects with Amazon Kendra Jira cloud connector

July 2023: This post was reviewed for accuracy. Organizations use agile project management platforms such as Atlassian Jira to enable teams to collaborate to plan, track, and ship deliverables. Jira captures organizational knowledge about the workings of the deliverables in the issues and comments logged during project implementation. However, making this knowledge easily and securely […]

Moderate, classify, and process documents using Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Textract

Many companies are overwhelmed by the abundant volume of documents they have to process, organize, and classify to serve their customers better. Examples of such can be loan applications, tax filing, and billing. Such documents are more commonly received in image formats and are mostly multi-paged and in low-quality format. To be more competitive and […]

Achieve in-vehicle comfort using personalized machine learning and Amazon SageMaker

This blog post is co-written by Rudra Hota and Esaias Pech from Continental AG. Many drivers have had the experience of trying to adjust temperature settings in their vehicle while attempting to keep their eyes on the road. Whether the previous driver preferred a warmer cabin temperature, or you’re now wearing warmer clothing, or the […]

Create video subtitles with Amazon Transcribe using this no-code workflow

Subtitle creation on video content poses challenges no matter how big or small the organization. To address those challenges, Amazon Transcribe has a helpful feature that enables subtitle creation directly within the service. There is no machine learning (ML) or code writing required to get started. This post walks you through setting up a no-code […]

AWS AI services deliver critical capabilities to streamline content moderation workflows across media types. It offers ready-to-use moderation APIs and enables multi-modal capabilities, such as image, video, and text moderation.

Utilize AWS AI services to automate content moderation and compliance

The daily volume of third-party and user-generated content (UGC) across industries is increasing exponentially. Startups, social media, gaming, and other industries must ensure their customers are protected, while keeping operational costs down. Businesses in the broadcasting and media industries often find it difficult to efficiently add ratings to content pieces and formats to comply with […]

Abstract diagram showing how AWS AI services come together.

Content moderation design patterns with AWS managed AI services

User-generated content (UGC) grows exponentially, as well as the requirements and the cost to keep content and online communities safe and compliant. Modern web and mobile platforms fuel businesses and drive user engagement through social features, from startups to large organizations. Online community members expect safe and inclusive experiences where they can freely consume and […]