AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Learning Levels

Amazon Comprehend Targeted Sentiment adds synchronous support

Earlier this year, Amazon Comprehend, a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning (ML) to discover insights from text, launched the Targeted Sentiment feature. With Targeted Sentiment, you can identify groups of mentions (co-reference groups) corresponding to a single real-world entity or attribute, provide the sentiment associated with each entity mention, and offer […]

Use RStudio on Amazon SageMaker to create regulatory submissions for the life sciences industry

Pharmaceutical companies seeking approval from regulatory agencies such as the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) or Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) to sell their drugs on the market must submit evidence to prove that their drug is safe and effective for its intended use. A team of physicians, statisticians, chemists, pharmacologists, and […]

Prepare data at scale in Amazon SageMaker Studio using serverless AWS Glue interactive sessions

Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML). It provides a single, web-based visual interface where you can perform all ML development steps, including preparing data and building, training, and deploying models. AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and […]

Tips to improve your Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels model

In this post, we discuss best practices to improve the performance of your computer vision models using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels. Rekognition Custom Labels is a fully managed service to build custom computer vision models for image classification and object detection use cases. Rekognition Custom Labels builds off of the pre-trained models in Amazon Rekognition, which […]

Improve transcription accuracy of customer-agent calls with custom vocabulary in Amazon Transcribe

Many AWS customers have been successfully using Amazon Transcribe to accurately, efficiently, and automatically convert their customer audio conversations to text, and extract actionable insights from them. These insights can help you continuously enhance the processes and products that directly improve the quality and experience for your customers. In many countries, such as India, English […]

Distributed training with Amazon EKS and Torch Distributed Elastic

Distributed deep learning model training is becoming increasingly important as data sizes are growing in many industries. Many applications in computer vision and natural language processing now require training of deep learning models, which are growing exponentially in complexity and are often trained with hundreds of terabytes of data. It then becomes important to use […]

Create a batch recommendation pipeline using Amazon Personalize with no code

With personalized content more likely to drive customer engagement, businesses continuously seek to provide tailored content based on their customer’s profile and behavior. Recommendation systems in particular seek to predict the preference an end-user would give to an item. Some common use cases include product recommendations on online retail stores, personalizing newsletters, generating music playlist […]

Image shows a high-level solution architecture for the phases of intelligent document processing (IDP) as it relates to the stages of a mortgage application.

Process mortgage documents with intelligent document processing using Amazon Textract and Amazon Comprehend

Organizations in the lending and mortgage industry process thousands of documents on a daily basis. From a new mortgage application to mortgage refinance, these business processes involve hundreds of documents per application. There is limited automation available today to process and extract information from all the documents, especially due to varying formats and layouts. Due […]

Build a multi-lingual document translation workflow with domain-specific and language-specific customization

In the digital world, providing information in a local language isn’t novel, but it can be a tedious and expensive task. Advancements in machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) have made this task much easier and less expensive. We have seen increased adoption of ML for multi-lingual data and document processing workloads. Enterprise […]

AWS Localization uses Amazon Translate to scale localization

The AWS website is currently available in 16 languages (12 for the AWS Management Console and for technical documentation): Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Customers all over the world gain hands-on experience with the AWS platform, products, and services in their […]