AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Announcing Dedicated IP Pools

The Amazon SES team is pleased to announce that you can now create groups of dedicated IP addresses, called dedicated IP pools, for your email sending activities. Prior to the availability of this feature, if you leased several dedicated IP addresses to use with Amazon SES, there was no way to specify which dedicated IP address […]

Open and Click Tracking Have Arrived

We’re pleased to announce the addition of open and click tracking metrics to Amazon SES. These metrics will help you measure the effectiveness of the email campaigns you send using Amazon SES. We’re also adding the ability to publish email sending metrics to Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) using event publishing. This feature gives […]

Creating a Daily Dashboard to Track Bounces and Complaints

(Edited May 22, 2019)—We’ve removed the documentation for this solution from the Amazon SES Developer Guide. Several components of this solution became outdated since we originally posted this article. We plan to fix the outdated components at some point in the future and re-publish the documentation. We’re leaving this post up in the interest of […]

Amazon SES Can Now Automatically Warm Up Your Dedicated IP Addresses

Edited November, 2017: Since this article was published, we have made some changes that impact the dedicated IP address feature. The article suggests that you can send up to 50,000 emails from an IP address per day. This limitation has since been removed. Your actual sending limit is determined by your use case and your […]

Amazon SES Now Offers Dedicated IP Addresses

Edited September, 2017: Since this article was published, we have made several changes that impact the dedicated IP address feature: This post states that the only way to use both dedicated IP addresses and shared IP addresses is to create two separate AWS accounts. This statement is no longer true; you can now use dedicated […]

Introducing Sending Metrics

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. The SES team is pleased to announce sending metrics. You will now be able to segment your sending statistics and publish them to CloudWatch or Kinesis Firehose. We want to help you improve your deliverability, and this new feature makes […]

Do Your Recipients Know Who You Are?

When you send an email for your organization, you want your recipients to read it. For that to happen, your email needs to be delivered, and your recipients need to identify the mail as valuable and worth reading. Of course, you need to provide valuable content in the email itself, but there is more to […]

Amazon SES Now Includes Original Message Headers in Notifications

The Amazon SES team is pleased to announce the addition of original email headers to the bounce, complaint, and delivery notifications SES provides through Amazon SNS. We strive to make your email-sending process easier, and today we’re taking another step in that direction. Increasing your visibility into the feedback you receive from SES has always […]

Amazon SES Now Supports Custom MAIL FROM Domains

The Amazon SES team is pleased to announce that, to increase your email authentication options, you can now use your own MAIL FROM domain when you send emails with SES. First, a quick refresher on the different “source” addresses associated with an email: an email has a “From” address and a MAIL FROM address. The […]