AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

DKIM Troubleshooting Series: Your DKIM Status is Pending

In the previous blog entry we started the process of setting up DKIM for a domain. We generated the DKIM records and succeeded in adding them to our DNS. We’re all set, right? I have added the records to my DNS but my domain’s DKIM verification status is still Pending After waiting for the 72 […]

Goodbye blacklist. Introducing the suppression list!

We’ve heard your feedback: handling “Address Blacklisted” errors is a major hassle. We have been working to make that experience more intuitive, and are happy to announce that today we launched the blacklist’s replacement, the Amazon SES suppression list. Like the blacklist, the suppression list is a list of recipient addresses that Amazon SES blocks […]

Announcing Self-Service Blacklisted Address Removal

UPDATE ON 5/4/16: This article is deprecated. Please see this article instead: Goodbye blacklist. Introducing the suppression list! We’ve listened to your feedback and are happy to let you know that starting today, you can remove email addresses from the blacklist from within the Amazon SES Console. A blacklisted address is one that Amazon SES will […]

Scripting Amazon SES with Powershell – Attempts and Bounces

Did you know that you can interact with Amazon SES using Windows Powershell? To get started, download the AWS Tools for Windows Powershell and configure Powershell. Let’s get your total deliveries and total bounces for the last two weeks. Powershell uses the GetSendStatistics Amazon SES API to get this data. Here is the full script. […]

Amazon SES Documentation Enhancements

I just wanted to bring your attention to some changes we’ve made to the Amazon SES documentation recently. We have listened to your feedback and are always working to make our documentation more helpful and easier to navigate. The most notable updates we have made are: We incorporated the Getting Started Guide with the Developer […]

Using IIS SMTP on Windows 2008/2012 with Amazon SES

A natural extension for customers using Windows Server 2012 on AWS is to use Amazon SES for sending email. This post shows you how to configure the IIS SMTP service that is included with Windows to send email through Amazon SES. You can use the same configuration on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 […]

Never send to old addresses, but what if you have to?

The best practice is to only send mail to people who have specifically asked for your mail, and who have recently interacted with your site.  “Interacted” can mean different things to different people, but generally it means they have logged in to your website, they have recently done business with you, or they have opened or […]