AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

4 Tips to Help You Send Higher Quality Email

Navigating the minefield of spam filters and deliverability concerns can seem pretty difficult when you’re just trying to put together an email to send out to your list.  To try to make it easier, we’ve put together a few tips that we hope will help you elevate your email quality. When you’re composing email to […]

Easy DKIM is here! But why should I care?

Yes, folks, it’s true! Easy DKIM is live. Amazon Simple Email Service has always supported DKIM signing, but before today, you had to sign the messages yourself. This could be challenging depending on what email sending client you’re using and your ability to customize which headers are included in the signature disposition. You may be […]

Blacklisting (Part 2)

A few weeks ago, Jenn wrote about the “Address Blacklisted” error. As she states, “This error means that or one or more of the addresses in the To, Cc, or Bcc field of the email you just tried to send is on our blacklist.” In other words, you emailed an address that doesn’t exist and […]

5 Ways to Decrease Your Bounce Rate

One of our recent posts talked about what bounces are and mentioned that a good hard bounce rate is usually less than 5%. In this post, you’ll learn five strategies that will help you achieve a low bounce rate. Don’t buy or rent mailing lists. The folks who are trying to sell or rent the […]

The Amazon SES “Address Blacklisted” Error

Today, we wanted to address something that we’re seeing a lot of questions about on our forums – the “Address Blacklisted” Error. Occasionally, as you send via Amazon SES, you will have your message rejected with an “Address Blacklisted” error. The error you have run into is not a type of enforcement on your account […]

Email Definitions: Bounces

A key concept in email is that of a bounce. A bounce is usually an indication that the message you sent was rejected by the intended recipient’s email infrastructure and may not have reached the recipient. Hard and Soft Bounces A hard bounce indicates a persistent delivery failure (e.g., mailbox does not exist). In other […]

Getting Started with Amazon SES and .NET

This post will help get you started using Amazon SES from .NET applications. Before you start working, make sure you are signed up for Amazon SES as described in the Getting Started Guide. This post assumes you are using Visual Studio for development. Using SMTP The easiest way to send email through Amazon SES is […]

4 Ways to Improve Email Quality from Social Sharing Sites

If you run a social sharing site (or any site that allows your users to share their content or invite friends), you know that you might run into all sorts of email quality problems. Users put in old or fake email addresses causing your bounce rate to spike, or the friends that your users are […]

Domain and Email Address Verification in Amazon SES

07/03/17 Update: You can now verify as many as 10,000 identities per AWS account. See this forum announcement for details. As you may have read in Jeff Barr’s blog post on the main AWS Blog, Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) launched domain verification today. We wanted to dig deeper into the whys and whats […]