Front-End Web & Mobile

Announcing Amazon Cognito Streams

On 1/20 we released a feature that gives developers, utilizing their credentials, full API access to the sync store to read and write user profile data as well as a data browser inside the Amazon Cognito console. Today we are excited to announce a new feature that gives customers even greater control and insight into […]

Announcing Amazon Mobile Analytics in the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity

Update: April 30, 2018: We’ve discontinued Amazon Mobile Analytics. Amazon Pinpoint now provides the analytics features that Amazon Mobile Analytics previously offered. If you’re new to Mobile Analytics, you can integrate the mobile analytics features of Amazon Pinpoint into your app. If you currently use Amazon Mobile Analytics, you can migrate to Amazon Pinpoint. Last […]

AWS Mobile SDK for Android now uses 40% less DEX Methods

The maximum limit of 65K on DEX method count imposed by Android remains to be a significant challenge for Mobile App Developers. While there are workarounds like ProGuard and MultiDex’ing, these are cumbersome and add additional overhead. We often see developers making trade-offs with regards to the functionality in their apps due to the DEX […]

Integrating Amazon Cognito using developer authenticated identities: An end-to-end example

In September, we introduced developer authenticated identities, a new feature that allows you to utilize your own end-user identities with Amazon Cognito (read our announcement post). The purpose of this post is to show an end-to-end sample that demonstrates how to integrate this feature with an existing authentication system. Using developer authenticated identities involves interaction […]

Using the Delivery Status feature of Amazon SNS

Today we released a new feature for Amazon SNS that enables developers to collect feedback on successful and unsuccessful delivery attempts of their messages to mobile push notification platforms (Apple (APNS), Google (GCM), Amazon (ADM), Windows (WNS and MPNS) and Baidu). It also provides other important information such as dwell times in Amazon SNS. This information […]

Score big with Amazon Mobile Analytics and Amazon Redshift

Update: April 30, 2018: We’ve discontinued Amazon Mobile Analytics. Amazon Pinpoint now provides the analytics features that Amazon Mobile Analytics previously offered. If you’re new to Mobile Analytics, you can integrate the mobile analytics features of Amazon Pinpoint into your app. If you currently use Amazon Mobile Analytics, you can migrate to Amazon Pinpoint. In […]

Sync store access and simplified credentials provider

Today we released a new feature for Amazon Cognito that gives developers, utilizing their credentials, full API access to the sync store to read and write user profile data. This feature helps you access and modify user profiles from your backend infrastructure. For example, game developers can use this feature to distribute prizes to players […]

Concrete Software uses Amazon Cognito for NHL Hockey Target Smash

“Using Amazon Cognito, we can build cross-platform games faster without managing backend infrastructure. Amazon Cognito sync helps us save game data to the cloud and synchronize it across devices.” – Keith Pichelman, CEO, Concrete Software About Concrete Software Concrete Software has designed and published games for mobile platforms, including iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Microsoft Windows, […]

Using Amazon Cognito to sync data in Unity games

With the release of the Developer Preview for the AWS SDK for Unity you can now start using Amazon Cognito in your Unity games to synchronize player profiles and game state with the cloud. To demonstrate how to use this new SDK, we have created a simple Unity Scene that uses the Cognito Sync Service […]

Announcing AWS Mobile SDK for Unity Developer Preview

We are happy to announce the availability of the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity in Developer Preview. Now you can build cross-platform games in Unity that use AWS services for identity and user data management (Amazon Cognito), cloud storage (Amazon S3), and a fully-managed NoSQL database (Amazon DynamoDB).  The AWS Mobile SDK for Unity is […]